Terms and Conditions
Attendance at a seminar
Terms and conditions for applying to our seminars
Please take note that your application to our seminar is obligatory!
The organizer and referents assume no liability for the participants.
Pleace notice, that there will be a fee of 25% of the seminar fee for deregistration more than 30 days before the seminar.
If the deregistration is less than 30 days before the seminar, you will have to pay the whole seminar fee, unless you can name another participant that will take your spot. If a participant is absent, no matter why, you also have to pay the whole seminar fee.
There will be no fee if you cancel the booking prior to 3 months to the seminar without giving reasons.
Please note that a deregistration is only valid, if you receive a confirmation message from our booking system!
If a seminar has to be cancelled for any reason, we will contact the participants either per telephone or by e-mail as soon as possible.
Please understand, that we can not pay for any effort, the cancellation caused. The seminar fee which is already paied, will be transfered back to your bank account within 5 days.
Pictures, Audio & Videorecording
a) Video and Audiorecording of the seminar only with written permission from the organizer. You are welcome to take pictures for private use only. If you want to use the pictures in any media, except the social networks, you need to have a written permission from the organizer as well.
b) Pictures, Video- and Audiorecording can be done by the organizer or authorised people. Participants agree with attendence to the seminar to use such records for private and commercial use in all printed and online media, especially the internet and all future media. Unless otherwise concerted, you cannot raise a claim of any donation or provision. A participant can object this permission prior to the seminar in written form. It is not possible to enter an objection once the seminar has started.